Here a video of good vs evil during the Japanese Floods

5 responses to “

  • chris27601

    This video is kind of a narrative as it shows that there is a natural evil the floods and he is trying to help the people in need which is being good. It shows the good but doesn’t clearly shows evil. The message I got from this is people can help what bad is happening in this world. Gospel values this movie has is courage is it shows that one person can help. Overall I would rate this movie 3/5 as it is alright.

  • cynderfan

    Its good. But who is the bad guy. It isn’t really a comparison between good and evil nor is it a story about good vs evil. It is someone doing something good in the world.

    Rating 3.5 / 5

  • jackchandler1996j

    Cool video. Hope the money made a change to someones life. The gospel value is compassion (for the donating)
    Well done!

    4 / 5 stars

  • devo1996

    This video was definitely a narrative. I don’t know what the gospel message was but i give it 3 and a half out of 5

  • smccsydney

    Hi John, I would like to have seen you build on this further. You have the basics right with a battle outlined but there is no detail….disappointing as it could have been great.

    1.5 stars.


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