Catholic Church in Australia

The catholic church is a very important part of my life. Like my mother say “You cannot do anything without god”. She is right, nothing is possible without god. Being in a Catholic school has brought me closer to god, but being catholic is not all about being closer to god. I have learnt that there is good and evil out in the world, Learning the stories From the gospels and the bibles.

Being a part in the catholic church makes me realise I am one small part of a much larger scheme. I go to church every Sunday with my parent and my sister. I used to altar server at the church but now my sister takes my place. My family is dedicated to the church, my dad one wanted to become a priest.

Being in the catholic church has taught me many things. I went to a catholic primary school and  learnt many things there. The crucifixion and the birth of Christ was once a mystery to me but now general knowledge. I made many friends at that school. High School was a milestone in the learning of Catholic church.

The Catholic Church in Australia is a very important to my life

Here a video of good vs evil during the Japanese Floods

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Honk for Japan

Here is the famous youtuber nigahiga donating to the japan incident. For every honk he receives he donates 10 dollars and for every million views this video get he donates another 600 dollars.


Wisdom Literature

Communicating with others